Experiment database und Open Educational Ressourses

Welcome to the experiment database with experiments on astronomy, space travel and physics mainly in the context of exoplanets. Most experiments are available in English as well as in German. In each experiment you can go directly to the English version with one click.

In addition, you can download „classic“ teaching materials in the section other Open Educational Resource and use them for your lessons. We have also prepared a board game to understand the cyclic process of stellar evolution in a playful way.

astro-lab.app is constantly being developed further: We are currently working on an app and successively adding new materials. Please notice the safety note.

Experiment database

Other Open Educational Resources

We are also happy to provide „classic“ materials, e.g. workbooks, worksheets or even a board game on stellar evolution „Stars and Stardust“ („Staub und Sterne„). On the one hand, you will find the material for the Astro-Labor 1.0 (Astro project „Search for the Earth 2.0„), originally designed for grades 7-10, as established at the University of Cologne. On the other hand, we provide the materials also published in the European Space Education Resource Office (ESERO). These include the „Astropänz“, the astronomy project for grades 5-6. English translations of the material follows.

Safety Note

On this page you will find suggestions and instructions for experiments. Before doing an experiment, possible sources of danger must always be mentioned and discussed, e.g. with the teacher or parents. Safety precautions must be taken. In the school area, the guidelines for safety in the classroom must be followed! The authors do not take any responsibility for any damage to the equipment used. The experiments are performed at your own responsibility/risk.